Friday, January 28, 2011

Zulu Tango Sierra Meaning

and dog Rompin

happens that Friday morning and, for some 'time, the time devoted to compulsive KNIT ... a time when friends meet the most fanatical of knitting and working furiously, chatting just as frantic and discourses crossing over each other. It so happens that today was a participant ko ... give up? Never! I climbed up into the house of the devil (just NOT Trieste could rent an apartment in the mountains, scorning my efforts and my high-heeled shoes) and there I enlisted, despite his protests, to make me take pictures. As marvelous light? The location was exceptional: a window full of light, was mine. The model I just finished shawl is Earth of Jarod Flood and wool that I used (yes, it's you!) Is the result of my labors dye. The result is an immense shawl, wrap, cuddly ... colors from salmon are burned hot and autumn, a marvel that brings out the old pin that I used as fermascialle. course, if there had not been scamp that I was at his feet and that after this picture has a mysterious end ... The dog in the oven is a little 'heavy, I have to get over ... ... and for dessert, what's better than a tart sour cream dates with cinnamon? (PS: did you see, Jane, that I was that good, I have not even mentioned, are you happy?)


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