Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why Do You Get Dizzy Go Karts


Finally, after nearly a month of absence, Tzugumi returned to Trieste: it was now, rascal! Other than Puglia, trulli and nature walks ... cos'avranno ever so interesting? Much better here, in the fog, humidity, to take a nice bronchitina season! That there is not even the holy Bora to sweep the sky and the sun to come out ... So, what are you going out? Here you must stay under my claws! Ahahahhaah (satanic laughter)!
However, after this preamble of sheer terror, do not think that has stood with folded hands. NO. He had to take a series of photos of that work. She can not wait to . Metro The model is a splendid cardigan Connie Chang Chinchio (please do not ask me to read it because I was a bit 'to laugh). The yarn? Cashmere, but one wonders? What does it mean that the color sound familiar? Yes, ok, I confess: I undo the Pike because frankly was imported, too bulky to fit in any coat, but too hot sleeveless ... In short, a disaster. The detail that won me over the Metro these braids were also asymmetrical passing behind the neck. The model is structured very well, does not waste even one meter of yarn and workers have a way to control the amount of yarn needed and so we can adjust accordingly. The result is a very comfortable but very stylish cardigan. And, sorry if I point out the details of fashion, eh ... note that this is camel-colored, a must of the season. I wore dark jeans with simple, with a top silk jersey and chiffon, with the usual Chanel necklace and red shoes with wedge scollatissime that reflect the red of the charms of the series ... more fashion so you die! Photo courtesy: Tzugumi .


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