Monday, January 10, 2011

Texet Memory Stick Software

herbivore, and colored wool WINDSCHIEF

Questa sarà un mi classico post del rientro. Pieno di foto per aggiornarvi degli ultimi sviluppi in casa Tibisay e di poche parole, per non annoiarvi. Bugia, in realtà queste feste mi hanno fatto molto pensare e fare molti bilanci, in positivo ed in negativo. Come sapete non le amo molto, la presenza a casa dei bambini la adoro ma esco meno spesso, smetto i tacchi, spolvero le babbuccione in pelo di opossum e tutti gli scialletti e le tutone in felpa che ho e mi trasformo nell'antitesi della knitter fescionista che tutti conoscono. E ritornare alla normalità mi pesa molto. In più per fine mese avevo intenzione di fare una giterella a Milano ma purtroppo proprio questo fine settimana ho saputo che non potrò più farla e questo mi hurts a lot. Oh well, wait and go forward.
and update the work done: this time touching the boys, who grow small models. Riki's
with a striped scarf made in crochet. I improvised the model literally, just to be good little children whining that "Mammaaaaaaa ... but you do things (yes, because I" do things "for my children, or rather" do my thing ") just for you ... " And like a good mom with a sense of guilt always a thousand, here you are the product for gnaulante son. And while we're at, why do not Amman as a Christmas gift a nice sweater? And this "growing" so he can wear it for those 2 to 3 years in a row! Note the word rapture in the face of so great a gift ... The following products have won them a bit 'more. Luckily, I was losing hope ... always inspired dall'oramai adopted Stephen West, I made two hats who call themselves Windschief . The same model can also be made the scarf tied. And here is again Riki makes us a parade. Reonardo For more trendy and fashionable (hey, it goes after the mom), I made a scarf called herbivore. Do not resist a name like that! Of course, after a bit 'to make the photos a professional model is tired ... ... Indeed, the stove! It just exacerbates! shopping And now the update: I bought a little something to support the project United Against Cancer: a spectacular silk and cashmere blend and I've found the right model to use it! If you also want to contribute, click here , follow the instructions, choose the balls that you like best and make a donation. Substantial, I recommend! Once the headway made
shopping, I could not stop ... and here's what I bought on Ebay ... a rock weighing 1 kilogram and 100 grams of beautiful ice blue cashmere silk blend. Now that you have taken from the swoon ... I tell you that I had a real chance, I paid very little e. .. even if the color is not the massiomo I already know how to fix it ...
Yes, because I was also given to the staining of wool ... here are the first results: Merino wool color "ChoppedPetrol ... ... and the color "AngrySalmon" The procedure I used is really simple, I used the colors for silk and even farther I'll do a little tutorial ... I just have to test it to design some nice!


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