Friday, February 11, 2011

White Loose Off The Shoulder Sweater


For this scarf (which, in effect, is a small elegant stole) I was inspired by my dear friend Lilly . For my birthday I got a very nice neck and more! Also gave him my name and posted on the pattern his wonderful blog. This gesture and the words he used and I was deeply moved, although it is accused of cynicism and doing only salacious jokes and sharp, ready to criticize those who do not wear your heels 10 cm and is not in good taste (mine, of course) , know that deep down (but really very bottom) hide a romantic heart and kind.
And then I imagined going to see Lilly in his native Sicily, and after knitting all day, taking an orange with her, to watch a sunset together, to keep the color bright orange and see it reflected in the colors Lilly who, with that gorgeous skin, those dark eyes and bright smile and that seems made for her. E This pattern is dedicated to you, my dear friend, always kind, but always with a smile that hides a strong character, determination and courage. May you always be so, smile at life, because it will be full, I'm sure, only honey and sweetness (not too much, I recommend the hips!) And your hands will always be filled with wool! SUNSET WITH LILLY
Schema ITALIAN Finished size:
185 cm wide and 22 cm in length.

Yarn and needles:
Microfiber 100%, 100 g, color ROSTORANGE, 2 balls. Needles number
If necessary change the number needles to obtain the correct sample.
The correct measurements are not required, but will affect the final size of the head, use a type of yarn very elastic and withstands the heat.

Standard: 12 x 27
f = 10 cm according to the scheme worked and locked.

Glossary: \u200b\u200b
f : iron
m: mesh

Ferro 1: (Labour Law) but a right, but an increase law (working in front of and behind the ' eye of the m), right up till the last 3 m, 2 m with straight, but a right.
Iron 2: (wrong side of work) backward.
Iron 3: 1 but say, but an increase law (working in front of and behind the eye of the m), working right up to the last 3 m, 2 m with straight, but a right.
Iron 4: straight.
Iron 5: but a backhand, but an increasing backward (working in front of and behind the eye of the m), * 1 jet, 2 m back together, repeat until the last 3 m, 2 m with the reverse 1 but the reverse.
Iron 6: straight.
Repeat rows 1-6 for pattern. Start

51 m. Working according to the scheme until the scarf measures 150 cm from tip to tip, finishing with a 3-iron. Close all points.
At the end
secure the wire.

Hide all the wires and stop using the iron with steam, pulling and stretching the scarf to the desired size.

Before locking - before blocking After blocking - after blocking
ITALIANO pattern Finished size:
185 cm wide and 22 cm long.

Yarn and needles:
Microfiber 100%, 100 g, color ROSTORANGE, 2 balls.
Needles size 4.5 mm.
Adjust needle size if Necessary to Obtain the correct gauge.
Gauge Is Not Crucial, but it will affect the finished size, use a very elastic yarn that can also stand the heat.

12 sts x 27 rows = 10 cm in rib patt and blocked.

k : knit
k2tog : knit 2 stitches together
kfb : knit into front and back
p : purl
p2tog : purl 2 stitches together
pfb : purl into front and back
RS : right side
yo : yarn over
WS : wrong side

Rib pattern:
Row 1: (RS) k1, kfb, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.
Row 2: (WS) purl.
Row 3: k1, kfb, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.
Row 4: knit.
Row 5: p1, pfb, *yo, p2tog, repeat to last 3 sts, p2tog, p1.
Row 6: knit.
Rep rows 1-6 for pattern.

CO 51 sts. Work in rib patt until scarf measures 150 cm from point to point, ending with row 3. BO all sts.

Weave in ends and block using a steam iron, stretching and shaping the scarf to reach the desired size. P.S.: e grazie ancora Lilly per il tuo aiuto nella traduzione del pattern... dì un po', non te l'aspettavi che fosse per te, eh? E, naturalmente un grandissimo grazie va anche a Tzugumi , mia complice nel mantenere i segreti e autrice delle foto.


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