Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cheaters Watch Korean Movie

Princess of Perpetual Projects

La rete è maledetta. Basta essere un po' curiosi riguardo una nuova passione e digitare, chessò, a caso, "cross stich pattern free" e si viene inondate da una caterva infinita di immagini gratuite di schemini per punto croce. A questo punto BISOGNA assolutamente creare una cartellina apposita per salvare quelli più belli. E la cartellina poi ha delle sottocartelline divise per argomento. E queste sottocartelline hanno delle sottosottocartelline ancora più piccole divise per un sottoargomento. E queste sottosottosottocartelline hanno... insomma avrete capito che sono una fanatica of cataloging. Then maybe these schemini are forgotten for months, sadly set aside in favor of a more pervasive and intrusive passion, purpose, but they jump out, ready to be used. And this is the case.
Yes, because the passion intrusive (who knows what I'm talking about, right?) Has reached a point where, after baked shawls (scialli!! Plural because another is coming.) Organized gatherings Knitter's international Assatanate and packaged handmade scorer, you go to the next stage, the one from which no going back. And I do not talk about why psychotherapy sessions do not work, I tried, but nothing. I believe that the only way is for the internment in a community of recovery. To make potholders crochet cotton.
Oh well, do not digress. I said, to carry ALL around the city (because it un'Anonymous Knittel Knitter around the city, eager to be watched, exhibitionist, which is nothing) it could not be more satisfied with a bag of stuff, true. Enno. And so the cross stitch fabrics Ikea can have their moment of glory. Now. Do not ask me where I found this writing, I have forgotten. Indeed, those who know me would tell me a favor, just put a good credit and make the post more Faig.

EDIT: here it is, the link, and thanks to CIAM that I found it! is better purse chubby. What will? But everyone (like the Universe): the work, and strange bags ... these bags, in particular, is decorated with a pattern that I found, as always, Blog aioli, a Russian girl with a brilliant cross-stitch patterns. Every time I try something original, do something at the end of his ... Yes, because the cross stitch is cursed: just anything to fall into the net: - pink flowers - Thumb - cici - Coco. And this can not be allowed. A fashionista can not have a bag Pup-pup or accessories, right? And schemes aioli contain the right balance between hand made and original without sliding into the ridiculous. Moral: almost all the designs of the bags are taken from his blog, here. bag were saying: this is a portaschemi, that's it. Just not to disprove, that's the exception: the pattern of scissors I have no idea where it comes from ... I reinforced the sachet with a fusible batt for coats to prevent the fabric scissors small hole. And what will be inside the other mysterious bags? It will be understood that I am a fanatic of cataloging and matryoshkas? Even the purse-scorer has a why. And now a few words on the needle holders. If you knit you need, sometimes, a couple of pins to stop the sweater pieces to sew them together ... purpose and a part of the needle holders is felt, that holds the needles perfectly subtle. but you also need big, blunt needles DGLI that do not fray the delicate wool .. and behold, the door-flap of the needles is thick cloth to fit even the light poles. I know it's absurd, but the piece for which I am most proud of is just that, I am sick, I know.
And now the final roundup: I would like to point out some things else no one notices. The reason for the princess because he suffers, among other things, delusions of grandeur. The crown, divided into each piece. The hedgehogs that pick up the doll took the writing. As mentioned earlier, the next step is the forced hospitalization.
PS: Yes, cross stitch and I had already talked about this here . So what?


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