Sunday, December 26, 2010

Movie Screen Argo Starch Recipe

For Christmas Is You (or rather, you) ... A

At Christmas you could happily invited himself to the home of MamminaCara or some in-law and just as happily, the free ride sbafabile and criticize harshly the menu because it lacks some essential ingredient ...
At Christmas you may want to carry around the cake because "I like the most" surprised and deeply because the hostess foaming at the mouth while he explains that he spent half the afternoon to create an architectural construction in the form of a greek temple in chocolate .. .
At Christmas you might want to give a gift of significance, and, as you try to explain that this work is part of a good project, you may be silenced peche is more important to discard the camera is millemila Euro, compared to which, of course , il tuo scaldacollo assume l'importanza di un foruncolo sul sedere di un rinoceronte...
A Natale potresti restare tranquillamente seduta a sbevazzare alcoolici pesanti e a guardare con occhio vacuo la padrona di casa che si affanna a servire 8persone8, meravigliandoti di vederla così provata:"Splendide le tue nuove bisacce" "Veramente sono le mie borse sotto gli occhi"...
A Natale potresti risparmiare sui regali e comprare una bella bottiglia di vino a tutti, bambini compresi, perchè si sa, il vino fa sangue...
A Natale potresti fotografarti i piedi per condividere immediatamente in rete su Faccialibro (subito!!! Subitissimo!!!) le scarpe costosissime appena ricevute ornando la foto di dettagliatissimi commenti in tempo reale...
OR you could drop everything for Christmas of 23, to greet relatives and friends and escape on a tropical island (or in Sicily, that's fine equal) ... and saw how, on balance, things have gone, I know that next year our little family will choose exactly this solution! Meanwhile ... Merry Christmas to everyone!


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