Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Thank You Card To A College Coach

Magliume various

If anyone a bit 'of long ago would have told me that I wore wacky scarves and sweaters made absurd and I would happily take pictures in the bar, I taste of rice and indicated as mythomaniac.
wrong And I, oh, so, too!
Now I like to get dressed up and photographed by me accomplice , mettendomi in posa e facendo la diva. La gente mormora ma va bene così, è solo invidia. La sciarpina che si intravede nelle foto, tra succhi di pomodoro, patatine e gomitoli è una versione più corta della mia Sunset with Lilly , con l'aggiunta di un bottone che aiuta a tenerla ferma. Infatti, mentre mi sbafo le patatine e tracanno il succo di pomodoro (si non è Martini, ma erano le 11 di mattina, troppo presto anche per me), il bottone è utile per non perdere la dignità. E per trattenere la sciarpina dallo scivolare nel succo. E così si può portare in due modi, o come una cravatta a coprire lo scollo del cappotto, o gettata su una shoulder with nonchalance ... if not class this ... And now, on another. In Vienna I had started working on this , with a yarn to him by Tzugumi . Then came the project United Against Cancer and I decided to give it to them. That is us, because this is the concern of us all, right?
The thing that I should not do is instruct CIAM to take pictures with my shawl : if it is appropriate and not the spring. But gently, as you do with the hostages, sent me the mug shots. We miss the newspaper with the date and we'll get it.
One good thing was that even on my blog last seen decent pictures. but fear not, not for long.
In fact, here's the latest effort, a small gift for a friend. The pattern is still him, adding megapompom and the use of purple and fuchsia make it suitable for a child of only 2 ½ years, my friend Amber that keeps me company while I wait one hour and a half that Leonardo end of warble. Here, I know that the model is missing ... to be honest ... I could not coerce Riki ... I suggested just to pose with the new creation looked at me and said, "But Mom, it's like a girl!" and has not sold even with the promise of a Grand Soleil chocolate. Tze ... men ...


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