Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mens Swim Fashion 2010 Gq

The Genius within us!

... everyone thinks he has within himself a "genius"!
... everyone thinks that "your" engineering is more than his friend, the classmate etc ...
each of us ... therefore has a "genius" that is stronger than the others ... ... the other one is more creative genius who comes to think of others first ...
... and this is fine ... because if you believe you should be fine ... if you then nn riconusciuto's okay ... just phrases that are used are like: "I k'cazz sapd quire 'me', "but you nn nu je saps with whom" and so on ...
... how many times we hear phrases and aphorisms epressione like that? praticamante in every moment of our day ...
... I think that everyone who believes he has a genius more like just right ... and then if the reason is the thing you want more prenditelaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ah nice prenditelaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... and make a sweater wool that will help you when it will be cold!! ahahahahahah

... are the people who came before ... these are the people who think first of others ... the people for whom Policoro first, prov. after Matera, Lucania immediatly after the close ... is that ... people who talk to people who eat with the other one (though never by name, you know your privacy) ... are the people who must go out to make themselves understood ... it is the people who think "tant0 aquuĆ  capiscn k '"!
... the people who know more than other people ... the fact that the "Genius" better than others ...

... but then a question and I do not know me, give me the answer and please help me, "but if this has as much genius says, how the fuck is that nobody understands? how the fuck is that it is independent? how the fuck is that it comes from only nn that communication problems? "

... please help me find the key!


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