Sunday, December 13, 2009

Can I Use Sdram In My Computer

Marinagri Ole!

.... well well ... the yard was Marinagri dissequastrato ... after two years ... and many polemniche the investigation started by the Prosecutor's Office and he saw Ctaanzaro dear Europalrmenatare DeMagristris (awarded in Policoro Policoresi or something from the last election) in the first person he called against this crusade against the powers that be .... it subsided in NOTHING!

you my dear ... ... Cause I was no contest ... nothing and the horse certainly have more light than the offenses that were alleged ...

... obviously a great party and good luck to all the great friends so that they can resume their normal life or go back to work!

... but the problem now ... there is another who will pay for 2 years of construction site closed?
DeMagistris? the Italian state? who?

... obviously no one .... but I must say that after all this time is good ... so good job guys!


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