Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Traditional Birthday Greetings

set is changed!

Traditional Birthday Greetings

set is changed!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mens Swim Fashion 2010 Gq

The Genius within us!

... everyone thinks he has within himself a "genius"!
... everyone thinks that "your" engineering is more than his friend, the classmate etc ...
each of us ... therefore has a "genius" that is stronger than the others ... ... the other one is more creative genius who comes to think of others first ...
... and this is fine ... because if you believe you should be fine ... if you then nn riconusciuto's okay ... just phrases that are used are like: "I k'cazz sapd quire 'me', "but you nn nu je saps with whom" and so on ...
... how many times we hear phrases and aphorisms epressione like that? praticamante in every moment of our day ...
... I think that everyone who believes he has a genius more like just right ... and then if the reason is the thing you want more prenditelaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ah nice prenditelaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... and make a sweater wool that will help you when it will be cold!! ahahahahahah

... are the people who came before ... these are the people who think first of others ... the people for whom Policoro first, prov. after Matera, Lucania immediatly after the close ... is that ... people who talk to people who eat with the other one (though never by name, you know your privacy) ... are the people who must go out to make themselves understood ... it is the people who think "tant0 aquuà capiscn k '"!
... the people who know more than other people ... the fact that the "Genius" better than others ...

... but then a question and I do not know me, give me the answer and please help me, "but if this has as much genius says, how the fuck is that nobody understands? how the fuck is that it is independent? how the fuck is that it comes from only nn that communication problems? "

... please help me find the key!

Mens Swim Fashion 2010 Gq

The Genius within us!

... everyone thinks he has within himself a "genius"!
... everyone thinks that "your" engineering is more than his friend, the classmate etc ...
each of us ... therefore has a "genius" that is stronger than the others ... ... the other one is more creative genius who comes to think of others first ...
... and this is fine ... because if you believe you should be fine ... if you then nn riconusciuto's okay ... just phrases that are used are like: "I k'cazz sapd quire 'me', "but you nn nu je saps with whom" and so on ...
... how many times we hear phrases and aphorisms epressione like that? praticamante in every moment of our day ...
... I think that everyone who believes he has a genius more like just right ... and then if the reason is the thing you want more prenditelaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ah nice prenditelaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... and make a sweater wool that will help you when it will be cold!! ahahahahahah

... are the people who came before ... these are the people who think first of others ... the people for whom Policoro first, prov. after Matera, Lucania immediatly after the close ... is that ... people who talk to people who eat with the other one (though never by name, you know your privacy) ... are the people who must go out to make themselves understood ... it is the people who think "tant0 aquuà capiscn k '"!
... the people who know more than other people ... the fact that the "Genius" better than others ...

... but then a question and I do not know me, give me the answer and please help me, "but if this has as much genius says, how the fuck is that nobody understands? how the fuck is that it is independent? how the fuck is that it comes from only nn that communication problems? "

... please help me find the key!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dog Crates For French Bulldogs

Farmers in protest! Antoniucci

... I'm almost a week on ss 106 In front Enea ... farmers, especially Lucan but also from various parts of southern Italy, who are on strike asking the government for permanent and firm commitments on the most serious crisis in their sector ...
. .. farmers seek the commitment of all citizens ... but most of the authorities ...

"Consider a request from clear: seriously open a table of comparison on measures contained in the claims advanced by the regional state of crisis that they said. If it is not - he concluded - we can only return with all the indignation and the strength of our reasons to mobilize until we have answers, even if this will mean inconvenience and risks for us, for our families and for all Citizens "(Gianni Fabbris)

... a problem that afflicts all of us ... and Basilicata in a region with strong rural ... we all commit a little bit so that we can find the ideal solution and best .. .
... us from our neighbors who live here are farmers and we welcome their applications on a daily ...
.... ask you all ... students and workers outside the region if the problem remains within our regional boundaries ... but is widespread throughout the world ... n

... Arkè with affection!

Dog Crates For French Bulldogs

Farmers in protest! Antoniucci

... I'm almost a week on ss 106 In front Enea ... farmers, especially Lucan but also from various parts of southern Italy, who are on strike asking the government for permanent and firm commitments on the most serious crisis in their sector ...
. .. farmers seek the commitment of all citizens ... but most of the authorities ...

"Consider a request from clear: seriously open a table of comparison on measures contained in the claims advanced by the regional state of crisis that they said. If it is not - he concluded - we can only return with all the indignation and the strength of our reasons to mobilize until we have answers, even if this will mean inconvenience and risks for us, for our families and for all Citizens "(Gianni Fabbris)

... a problem that afflicts all of us ... and Basilicata in a region with strong rural ... we all commit a little bit so that we can find the ideal solution and best .. .
... us from our neighbors who live here are farmers and we welcome their applications on a daily ...
.... ask you all ... students and workers outside the region if the problem remains within our regional boundaries ... but is widespread throughout the world ... n

... Arkè with affection!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cliparts Power Rangers


Cliparts Power Rangers


Monday, December 14, 2009

Half Life High Definition

... now what??

... and now we do?
... a fact of unprecedented violence and ashamed of all of Italy ... this was the attack yesterday at the Italian Prime Minister ... and not to any of them as someone says he is not my President ...
Italians ... you should hear angry, but everyone of us Italians we do?
open ... Facebook groups cheering when "willing" of this unbalanced Berlusca ... someone who hated a few glasses of champagne will be uncorked at the moment ... other laugh and think: "But if the good is have tried ""!
... ops .... ops ... but these are words of Peter ... these people of any political depth that ... for being a lawyer speaks Italian and dog expressed in gestures like the animals ... he "justifies" the gesture (but condemning it) saying that Berlusconi instigates
???!!!! nice .... but we're delusional or you are a mistake ... .. Member . ... on the constitution or legal error or mistake the minister wanted to do (oops the six state) ... ... as you delusions that Bindi says that now the Berlusca nn must play the victim! should not it?? and who hit you??
.... how sad ... democracy in a political knee ... and smiling ... good good ... and those that are social centers casino in Fountain Square on the anniversary of ... but ashamed ... but above all go to work .... nn faczzisti that are more ... you are the scum of society ... Italian 30's ignorant children of a lesser god .... definitely or probably "spoiled children in search of its identity. "

we wake up looking did you give yourself 30 years na move! rivigliati!

am pissed .... black ... and if you're Italian you should be too if you ... percgè nn is so amm'fritt to frttat '!

Half Life High Definition

... now what??

... and now we do?
... a fact of unprecedented violence and ashamed of all of Italy ... this was the attack yesterday at the Italian Prime Minister ... and not to any of them as someone says he is not my President ...
Italians ... you should hear angry, but everyone of us Italians we do?
open ... Facebook groups cheering when "willing" of this unbalanced Berlusca ... someone who hated a few glasses of champagne will be uncorked at the moment ... other laugh and think: "But if the good is have tried ""!
... ops .... ops ... but these are words of Peter ... these people of any political depth that ... for being a lawyer speaks Italian and dog expressed in gestures like the animals ... he "justifies" the gesture (but condemning it) saying that Berlusconi instigates
???!!!! nice .... but we're delusional or you are a mistake ... .. Member . ... on the constitution or legal error or mistake the minister wanted to do (oops the six state) ... ... as you delusions that Bindi says that now the Berlusca nn must play the victim! should not it?? and who hit you??
.... how sad ... democracy in a political knee ... and smiling ... good good ... and those that are social centers casino in Fountain Square on the anniversary of ... but ashamed ... but above all go to work .... nn faczzisti that are more ... you are the scum of society ... Italian 30's ignorant children of a lesser god .... definitely or probably "spoiled children in search of its identity. "

we wake up looking did you give yourself 30 years na move! rivigliati!

am pissed .... black ... and if you're Italian you should be too if you ... percgè nn is so amm'fritt to frttat '!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Can I Use Sdram In My Computer

Marinagri Ole!

.... well well ... the yard was Marinagri dissequastrato ... after two years ... and many polemniche the investigation started by the Prosecutor's Office and he saw Ctaanzaro dear Europalrmenatare DeMagristris (awarded in Policoro Policoresi or something from the last election) in the first person he called against this crusade against the powers that be .... it subsided in NOTHING!

you my dear ... ... Cause I was no contest ... nothing and the horse certainly have more light than the offenses that were alleged ...

... obviously a great party and good luck to all the great friends so that they can resume their normal life or go back to work!

... but the problem now ... there is another who will pay for 2 years of construction site closed?
DeMagistris? the Italian state? who?

... obviously no one .... but I must say that after all this time is good ... so good job guys!

Can I Use Sdram In My Computer

Marinagri Ole!

.... well well ... the yard was Marinagri dissequastrato ... after two years ... and many polemniche the investigation started by the Prosecutor's Office and he saw Ctaanzaro dear Europalrmenatare DeMagristris (awarded in Policoro Policoresi or something from the last election) in the first person he called against this crusade against the powers that be .... it subsided in NOTHING!

you my dear ... ... Cause I was no contest ... nothing and the horse certainly have more light than the offenses that were alleged ...

... obviously a great party and good luck to all the great friends so that they can resume their normal life or go back to work!

... but the problem now ... there is another who will pay for 2 years of construction site closed?
DeMagistris? the Italian state? who?

... obviously no one .... but I must say that after all this time is good ... so good job guys!