Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Silver Eagle Bus Windshield

... ola baby!

Buongiornooooooooo world ... we we ...
Policoro .... here is chilly sun ... ... and there is a great desire around!
... yes ... there is a lot of desire to work ... and the next trick ...
.... there is a desire to help others and to think of ourselves ....
... there is a desire to change and desire to maintain the status quo perennial for years now ...
... there's desire for democracy (a good turnout in the primaries of 1800 in Policoro pd) and there is desire to oligarchy ...
... there is a desire to create a different tomorrow ... and there is desire to nn do anything about these things ...

you try it ... well my dear .... you always try ... nn otherwise we'll never know how it would actually be able to ....!!!!

grrrrrrrrrrrr ... ..........

Silver Eagle Bus Windshield

... ola baby!

Buongiornooooooooo world ... we we ...
Policoro .... here is chilly sun ... ... and there is a great desire around!
... yes ... there is a lot of desire to work ... and the next trick ...
.... there is a desire to help others and to think of ourselves ....
... there is a desire to change and desire to maintain the status quo perennial for years now ...
... there's desire for democracy (a good turnout in the primaries of 1800 in Policoro pd) and there is desire to oligarchy ...
... there is a desire to create a different tomorrow ... and there is desire to nn do anything about these things ...

you try it ... well my dear .... you always try ... nn otherwise we'll never know how it would actually be able to ....!!!!

grrrrrrrrrrrr ... ..........

Monday, October 19, 2009

Loan Words That Start With X

... have not repented!

... after two years of a fifteen-violence that in turn was raped by eight peers in the pine forest of Montalto di Castro, in Lazio ... to nothing ... but ... Italian contradictions run fast towards sientieri ignorance ...
the process .... has been suspended until 2012 and "eight" were "put on trial"!
... the mayor of the time mayor panicked and save a few more votes ... that does?? Well allocates emergency and extraordinary well with City Council 20 000 € for each other .... all you would expect for the girl to help her .... .... cure for it to be near her .... and he invcee allocates this money to the families of eight dogs and animals .... almost "a government by ourselves"!
... eight animals and bastards who raped her in turn for hours .... and we do that? pay the lawyers with the money of citizens .... suspend the process "only because minors" but above all let alone practically the only victim .... "We are in Italy."

.... another node that Alfano, tax shelter and nuclear arms .... but if nn we can save our land in our small towns .... How could you change QLS?? or should I wait and Bersani Franceschini?

.... but do me the pleasure ... the "Eight" are dogs arraggiati bastards ... and as such, the law provides for the deletion!

... always remember those who are victims and we are close to their dogs, and n!

Loan Words That Start With X

... have not repented!

... after two years of a fifteen-violence that in turn was raped by eight peers in the pine forest of Montalto di Castro, in Lazio ... to nothing ... but ... Italian contradictions run fast towards sientieri ignorance ...
the process .... has been suspended until 2012 and "eight" were "put on trial"!
... the mayor of the time mayor panicked and save a few more votes ... that does?? Well allocates emergency and extraordinary well with City Council 20 000 € for each other .... all you would expect for the girl to help her .... .... cure for it to be near her .... and he invcee allocates this money to the families of eight dogs and animals .... almost "a government by ourselves"!
... eight animals and bastards who raped her in turn for hours .... and we do that? pay the lawyers with the money of citizens .... suspend the process "only because minors" but above all let alone practically the only victim .... "We are in Italy."

.... another node that Alfano, tax shelter and nuclear arms .... but if nn we can save our land in our small towns .... How could you change QLS?? or should I wait and Bersani Franceschini?

.... but do me the pleasure ... the "Eight" are dogs arraggiati bastards ... and as such, the law provides for the deletion!

... always remember those who are victims and we are close to their dogs, and n!

Friday, October 16, 2009

How Can I Finance My Hgv Lessons?

... and done!

... to paraphrase one of my best friends ... and done!
... is from about 1 hour ... I am not cast away a weight of 20 kg ... finally ...
... needless to say that I am already ... nn washed and wash everything you can imagine how nice ... I can fully move into the house without asking almost nothing ... (qlsina always ask me ... you know the good habits are to die later).
.... now I'm doing the foot baths in warm water ... it hurts a little more ... cmq until tonight and probably also gonfeirà (word of dr. I visited).
No fear ... ... but now "is made!
... ....... Vamoosssssssss

How Can I Finance My Hgv Lessons?

... and done!

... to paraphrase one of my best friends ... and done!
... is from about 1 hour ... I am not cast away a weight of 20 kg ... finally ...
... needless to say that I am already ... nn washed and wash everything you can imagine how nice ... I can fully move into the house without asking almost nothing ... (qlsina always ask me ... you know the good habits are to die later).
.... now I'm doing the foot baths in warm water ... it hurts a little more ... cmq until tonight and probably also gonfeirà (word of dr. I visited).
No fear ... ... but now "is made!
... ....... Vamoosssssssss

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lactulose Causing Teeth Problems

- 24 hours!

The detail of my Paw!

... ... we are missing 24 hours and I will be presenting at the hospital to remove the plaster Policoro incollatomi 25 days fà...
...giorni difficili..soprattutto i primi...dove ho però avuto il sostegno fisico e mentale della vita mia....
...poi la situazione è andata meglio...
...certo ci son dei momenti in cuile stampelle le corersti buttare via e dic ma va............ che ci devi fà...capita...a me è capitato...e me lo son tenuto... ora siamo quasi alla fine...domani mattina è certo che me lo toglierò...nn è certo che io stia meglio...però starò con 20 kg in meno in corpo...e questo già mi semmbra un passo avanti!!!


Lactulose Causing Teeth Problems

- 24 hours!

The detail of my Paw!

... ... we are missing 24 hours and I will be presenting at the hospital to remove the plaster Policoro incollatomi 25 days fà...
...giorni difficili..soprattutto i primi...dove ho però avuto il sostegno fisico e mentale della vita mia....
...poi la situazione è andata meglio...
...certo ci son dei momenti in cuile stampelle le corersti buttare via e dic ma va............ che ci devi fà...capita...a me è capitato...e me lo son tenuto... ora siamo quasi alla fine...domani mattina è certo che me lo toglierò...nn è certo che io stia meglio...però starò con 20 kg in meno in corpo...e questo già mi semmbra un passo avanti!!!


Monday, October 12, 2009

Woman Sit On Woman Stomach

Child prodigy! ... That

...tutti i bimbi son belli...
...tutti i bimbi son terribilmente coivolgenti...
...tutti i bimbi sono amabili.... tutti i bimbi son anche "tutti" intelligenti alla stessa maniera?
...è un dubbio che mi son sempre chiesto...e andando avanti con la scuola bè le differenze ci sono...
....e non potrebbe essere altrimenti...fin dal primo anno di scuola elementare si vede subito chi apprende subito e chi nn lo fa per niente...
...piccoli bambini che nn ci arrivano per niente anche perchè il tessuto sociale della famiglia a casa nn lo aiuta nella maniera giusta...
....allora è colpa della famiglia? non penso più di tanto...piuttosto penso che siamo tutti diversi...che non essere bravi a scuola nn è poi tutta sta colpa...piano piano il bambino comincerà a conoscere le sue peculiarità and then can choose their own future in a more appropriate!
... rather it is a tragedy for the parents ... yes yes ... for parents ... for here than for the child is a tragedy for mom and dad can brag about their little nn ...
... but then maybe I'm not even point the parents are all ste peaks if they think so!

nice day ... little einstein!

Woman Sit On Woman Stomach

Child prodigy! ... That

...tutti i bimbi son belli...
...tutti i bimbi son terribilmente coivolgenti...
...tutti i bimbi sono amabili.... tutti i bimbi son anche "tutti" intelligenti alla stessa maniera?
...è un dubbio che mi son sempre chiesto...e andando avanti con la scuola bè le differenze ci sono...
....e non potrebbe essere altrimenti...fin dal primo anno di scuola elementare si vede subito chi apprende subito e chi nn lo fa per niente...
...piccoli bambini che nn ci arrivano per niente anche perchè il tessuto sociale della famiglia a casa nn lo aiuta nella maniera giusta...
....allora è colpa della famiglia? non penso più di tanto...piuttosto penso che siamo tutti diversi...che non essere bravi a scuola nn è poi tutta sta colpa...piano piano il bambino comincerà a conoscere le sue peculiarità and then can choose their own future in a more appropriate!
... rather it is a tragedy for the parents ... yes yes ... for parents ... for here than for the child is a tragedy for mom and dad can brag about their little nn ...
... but then maybe I'm not even point the parents are all ste peaks if they think so!

nice day ... little einstein!

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Writing Style Of Lorraine Hansberry

University Italian!

... well that the University is the top nn prevedebiile was easy ... no that did not fall in the top 100 in the world Well it would seem a bit paradoxical for those who have a vision of angels and ancestral of the latter ...
the ... first you say is Bologna (174esino the site) to 204esino ... Wisdom ...
... a true pride! exceeded by all even by those who we call our third world countries or those in the imaginary collective WOULD BE worse than us ...
... I've always been convinced of one thing: "The Italian university is not difficult, you have to be sitting only 3-4 per day for 1 year after the results will come" ... now
from these statistics is another new international non-competitive ...
... well would be to ask students, "and I what can I do?"
... well I say as a former student has to do something that you're still all'univiersità: "If you put an average of 7-8 years (and some has the highest peaks) for a course of 4, the university has little, will probably serve more?
... if our parents make us like animals graze nn asking nothing but shelling out only months month parcel of who is to blame?
... if you think the university not to get the Pope and the lessons that we have nn, examination slipping virtually every day, nn professors who have office hours and chair so that just a hobby. .. who's to blame?
... well we are in an absurd situation in terms of competitiveness and will ...
... the great Italian and foreign companies are entitled to take the brains out of Italy ... and the few are very good that they are forced after the mediocre Italian experience of going abroad ...

... if you see what is ...

The Writing Style Of Lorraine Hansberry

University Italian!

... well that the University is the top nn prevedebiile was easy ... no that did not fall in the top 100 in the world Well it would seem a bit paradoxical for those who have a vision of angels and ancestral of the latter ...
the ... first you say is Bologna (174esino the site) to 204esino ... Wisdom ...
... a true pride! exceeded by all even by those who we call our third world countries or those in the imaginary collective WOULD BE worse than us ...
... I've always been convinced of one thing: "The Italian university is not difficult, you have to be sitting only 3-4 per day for 1 year after the results will come" ... now
from these statistics is another new international non-competitive ...
... well would be to ask students, "and I what can I do?"
... well I say as a former student has to do something that you're still all'univiersità: "If you put an average of 7-8 years (and some has the highest peaks) for a course of 4, the university has little, will probably serve more?
... if our parents make us like animals graze nn asking nothing but shelling out only months month parcel of who is to blame?
... if you think the university not to get the Pope and the lessons that we have nn, examination slipping virtually every day, nn professors who have office hours and chair so that just a hobby. .. who's to blame?
... well we are in an absurd situation in terms of competitiveness and will ...
... the great Italian and foreign companies are entitled to take the brains out of Italy ... and the few are very good that they are forced after the mediocre Italian experience of going abroad ...

... if you see what is ...