Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Chloe Best Of Beautiful Agony

Annamaria French Glitter e Fiore

Refill on Annamaria
With French Flower Gel with glitter and beads



enlarged detail

Chloe Best Of Beautiful Agony

Annamaria French Glitter e Fiore

Refill on Annamaria
With French Flower Gel with glitter and beads



enlarged detail

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

N Scale Bookshelf Layouts

Refill con French e Microsfere

Refill with decorations frame Microspheres Rosa



Detail of the microspheres

N Scale Bookshelf Layouts

Refill con French e Microsfere

Refill with decorations frame Microspheres Rosa



Detail of the microspheres

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Pokemon Colosseum Rom


The subtle charm, discreet and vicious biting of nails

In general, like many other small disturbances ( tics, stereotypic movements, etc..), was established in childhood and is stated as the subject have come from outside the prohibitions and punishments.
often arise in family situations heavy explosions characterized by systematic and quarrels between parents, comes forward to parental expectations too high (type of school, racing, etc..) arises when the subject does not feel enough parental love, born out of jealousy towards his brothers, and so on. In short, born in situations where the emotions, the world of feelings, it expresses - in the subject and / or around him out - as aggression.
may happen then that the subject-child trying to resolve the situations that cause anxiety unconsciously presenting itself as a sacrificial object.
And what I mean: he offers his total submissiveness, passivity and impotence, in exchange for the release of his family, himself, etc.. From any experience of aggression.
To think is to clarify a useful framework and some examples:
the nail-biting, like many other similar type of obsessive rituals, it seems to occur due to the combination of three factors.
1) The first factor is the tendency, in the absence of procedures direct and targeted use of devices like metaphor. In our case we observe:
a) that the act of bringing something to your mouth, suck , metaphorically invokes the experience of the womb and good mother and that, therefore, is used to achieve the same calming effect . Similar tricks are put in his mouth pipe, cigarettes, pencils, snacks, etc. b) instead of the act of chewing refers metaphorically to grind (ready to attack) teeth usually associated with stressful conditions.
Hoben Similar: chew a toothpick, pencil, sheets, chewing gum, etc..
2) The second factor is a kind of masochistic satisfaction (essentially what Freud called the death instinct ) together with the ability to produce presence through the perception of pain.
Again we see the ambivalence between unconscious tendency to quiet deadly and need to return to life through the perception of physical pain.
For example, some people bite their lips, tongue, the inside of the cheeks.
3) The third factor is the last loop obsessive product used by the inadequacy of expedience, combined with the removal of that inadequacy. This results in having to repeat the gesture compensator ( repetition compulsion), perhaps with greater determination and intensity, in the hope that it is now appropriate to satisfaction of need. Some, for example, begin to scratch their legs to compensate for a slight itching and perhaps for similar reasons, the gesture replayed repeatedly with intensity gradually increasing to occur painful bruises and bleeding.
aggression that the child wants to free himself and his loved ones, is experienced by the child could live as our ancestors of the cave: a feeling of annihilation radical means to injure or kill the other, the object of that feeling. Now: feeling unacceptable.
So need to exorcise the personal life and the lives of loved ones from this danger. Unconsciously the child promises to be good forever if ... I promise that children often do. And he immediately begins to be good, that is harmless : the act of carrying something in his mouth driven by a desire on the one hand the child to regress in the magic and edenistica situation guaranteed by the mother's womb, but on the other hand, we must consider the elements of the gesture: eat nails from the teeth. Both symbols and remnants of archaic weapons that keeps the animal body: claws and fangs. Is symbolically removed as would serve to attack the world. Aggression, a form of energy that is the substance of all living things, including man, is thus diverted from the world and turned against themselves as viewed and experienced in his only hand, the negativity, although at two levels: concretistico and primordial phylogenetic level of physical violence (memory and imprinting of species) and even psychological level of disconfirmation ontogenetic (memory and personal history of imprinting).
The persistence of this great little ritual indicates that even large then persists in the unconscious subject of an unresolved conflict over the management of aggression. And it is unacceptable because it anchored and coincident with the experience of the Death Match. The report that the subject has internalized and which tracks the quality of leads every real relationship is neurotic because role-based unilateral strong-weak, rulers and ruled, and so on.
And who does not recognize legitimate their aggression is always and only the script for the needy. But since no human being can accept only one side, he being the bearer of the union of opposites, it is the weakest that will develop more and more aggressive as strong as less acceptable by the same person who expresses it.
And who eats nails has long since decided that aggression is bad. No wonder if its between these small eaters, are outstanding examples of aggression manifested.
In fact aggression is a side of love. There is no true love without aggression as there is real life if you do not accept even daily dying, symbolically course.
Exceeding the symptom is only subject to the assumption of consciousness by the subject of what it reveals and conceals symptoms and vice versa. The subject may be responsible for the profound transformative significance of the symptom only if it can pass from a logic of opposition to a dialectical way of thinking which is planned as an integral part of life and thought, acceptance of conflict as the basis of ontological ' exists: to remain within the emotional dimension of which we are dealing with an example is the love that is experienced and fully mature only when the subject can sustain itself in the coexistence of two conflicting feelings per la stessa persona: attrazione e rifiuto.
Amore per ciò che in lei è amabile, rifiuto per ciò che in lei non è avvertito come amabile. Poiché ogni essere umano porta in sé entrambi i lati, un amore davvero maturo saprà trovare posto e parola per entrambi gli aspetti.
Insomma occorre giungere a riconoscere in noi stessi ciò che la vita continuamente ci mostra: la duplicità di ogni aspetto.
Tale riconoscimento sancirebbe l'uscita dal pensiero infantile che divide facilmente il bene dal male, il giusto dall'errore, la pace dalla guerra ecc. e permetterebbe al soggetto l'avvio di un lavoro di rielaborazione del destino e della storia dell'aggressività as he has hitherto known and proven.
As all sides of the emotional life, it is present in all of us on the steps of evolution. The first step it causes mortal fear. Last step is determining virile to act as creator of the world.
And here are closely followed by other keywords: the danger of every human subject than the existing. Every life is confusion and every life crowd.
So upset, different ports, change the state of things.
And this has in itself necessarily a gradient of violence.
The beating of wings a butterfly here in Genoa becomes hurricane in Beijing. But violence is not always bad. It is an aspect of love.
Love is not only softness and gentleness. Even Jesus says in the Gospel. Everyone must accept its potential for transformation and if it does no one else can express it in his place, because each of us is unique. So sacred.

interpreate by Dr. Ada Cortese
psychoanalyst, sociologist, psychotherapist

I treatments

When it comes to Onicofagia can be reconstructed with gel or acrylic. you posssono eseguire diversi trattamenti a seconda del grado di onicofagia, si possono applicare le tips, oppure le cartine se c'è una lunghezza minima o nei casi in cui manca parte dell'ungha verrà creato un ponte e su questo applicate le cartine o le tip.

Il mantenimento deve essere effettuato in tempi ravvicinati, fare dei controlli dopo una settimana /dieci giorni, prima del refill (ritocco).

Pokemon Colosseum Rom


The subtle charm, discreet and vicious biting of nails

In general, like many other small disturbances ( tics, stereotypic movements, etc..), was established in childhood and is stated as the subject have come from outside the prohibitions and punishments.
often arise in family situations heavy explosions characterized by systematic and quarrels between parents, comes forward to parental expectations too high (type of school, racing, etc..) arises when the subject does not feel enough parental love, born out of jealousy towards his brothers, and so on. In short, born in situations where the emotions, the world of feelings, it expresses - in the subject and / or around him out - as aggression.
may happen then that the subject-child trying to resolve the situations that cause anxiety unconsciously presenting itself as a sacrificial object.
And what I mean: he offers his total submissiveness, passivity and impotence, in exchange for the release of his family, himself, etc.. From any experience of aggression.
To think is to clarify a useful framework and some examples:
the nail-biting, like many other similar type of obsessive rituals, it seems to occur due to the combination of three factors.
1) The first factor is the tendency, in the absence of procedures direct and targeted use of devices like metaphor. In our case we observe:
a) that the act of bringing something to your mouth, suck , metaphorically invokes the experience of the womb and good mother and that, therefore, is used to achieve the same calming effect . Similar tricks are put in his mouth pipe, cigarettes, pencils, snacks, etc. b) instead of the act of chewing refers metaphorically to grind (ready to attack) teeth usually associated with stressful conditions.
Hoben Similar: chew a toothpick, pencil, sheets, chewing gum, etc..
2) The second factor is a kind of masochistic satisfaction (essentially what Freud called the death instinct ) together with the ability to produce presence through the perception of pain.
Again we see the ambivalence between unconscious tendency to quiet deadly and need to return to life through the perception of physical pain.
For example, some people bite their lips, tongue, the inside of the cheeks.
3) The third factor is the last loop obsessive product used by the inadequacy of expedience, combined with the removal of that inadequacy. This results in having to repeat the gesture compensator ( repetition compulsion), perhaps with greater determination and intensity, in the hope that it is now appropriate to satisfaction of need. Some, for example, begin to scratch their legs to compensate for a slight itching and perhaps for similar reasons, the gesture replayed repeatedly with intensity gradually increasing to occur painful bruises and bleeding.
aggression that the child wants to free himself and his loved ones, is experienced by the child could live as our ancestors of the cave: a feeling of annihilation radical means to injure or kill the other, the object of that feeling. Now: feeling unacceptable.
So need to exorcise the personal life and the lives of loved ones from this danger. Unconsciously the child promises to be good forever if ... I promise that children often do. And he immediately begins to be good, that is harmless : the act of carrying something in his mouth driven by a desire on the one hand the child to regress in the magic and edenistica situation guaranteed by the mother's womb, but on the other hand, we must consider the elements of the gesture: eat nails from the teeth. Both symbols and remnants of archaic weapons that keeps the animal body: claws and fangs. Is symbolically removed as would serve to attack the world. Aggression, a form of energy that is the substance of all living things, including man, is thus diverted from the world and turned against themselves as viewed and experienced in his only hand, the negativity, although at two levels: concretistico and primordial phylogenetic level of physical violence (memory and imprinting of species) and even psychological level of disconfirmation ontogenetic (memory and personal history of imprinting).
The persistence of this great little ritual indicates that even large then persists in the unconscious subject of an unresolved conflict over the management of aggression. And it is unacceptable because it anchored and coincident with the experience of the Death Match. The report that the subject has internalized and which tracks the quality of leads every real relationship is neurotic because role-based unilateral strong-weak, rulers and ruled, and so on.
And who does not recognize legitimate their aggression is always and only the script for the needy. But since no human being can accept only one side, he being the bearer of the union of opposites, it is the weakest that will develop more and more aggressive as strong as less acceptable by the same person who expresses it.
And who eats nails has long since decided that aggression is bad. No wonder if its between these small eaters, are outstanding examples of aggression manifested.
In fact aggression is a side of love. There is no true love without aggression as there is real life if you do not accept even daily dying, symbolically course.
Exceeding the symptom is only subject to the assumption of consciousness by the subject of what it reveals and conceals symptoms and vice versa. The subject may be responsible for the profound transformative significance of the symptom only if it can pass from a logic of opposition to a dialectical way of thinking which is planned as an integral part of life and thought, acceptance of conflict as the basis of ontological ' exists: to remain within the emotional dimension of which we are dealing with an example is the love that is experienced and fully mature only when the subject can sustain itself in the coexistence of two conflicting feelings per la stessa persona: attrazione e rifiuto.
Amore per ciò che in lei è amabile, rifiuto per ciò che in lei non è avvertito come amabile. Poiché ogni essere umano porta in sé entrambi i lati, un amore davvero maturo saprà trovare posto e parola per entrambi gli aspetti.
Insomma occorre giungere a riconoscere in noi stessi ciò che la vita continuamente ci mostra: la duplicità di ogni aspetto.
Tale riconoscimento sancirebbe l'uscita dal pensiero infantile che divide facilmente il bene dal male, il giusto dall'errore, la pace dalla guerra ecc. e permetterebbe al soggetto l'avvio di un lavoro di rielaborazione del destino e della storia dell'aggressività as he has hitherto known and proven.
As all sides of the emotional life, it is present in all of us on the steps of evolution. The first step it causes mortal fear. Last step is determining virile to act as creator of the world.
And here are closely followed by other keywords: the danger of every human subject than the existing. Every life is confusion and every life crowd.
So upset, different ports, change the state of things.
And this has in itself necessarily a gradient of violence.
The beating of wings a butterfly here in Genoa becomes hurricane in Beijing. But violence is not always bad. It is an aspect of love.
Love is not only softness and gentleness. Even Jesus says in the Gospel. Everyone must accept its potential for transformation and if it does no one else can express it in his place, because each of us is unique. So sacred.

interpreate by Dr. Ada Cortese
psychoanalyst, sociologist, psychotherapist

I treatments

When it comes to Onicofagia can be reconstructed with gel or acrylic. you posssono eseguire diversi trattamenti a seconda del grado di onicofagia, si possono applicare le tips, oppure le cartine se c'è una lunghezza minima o nei casi in cui manca parte dell'ungha verrà creato un ponte e su questo applicate le cartine o le tip.

Il mantenimento deve essere effettuato in tempi ravvicinati, fare dei controlli dopo una settimana /dieci giorni, prima del refill (ritocco).

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Driver Extigy Per Windows 7

Luisa Refill

Driver Extigy Per Windows 7

Luisa Refill

Friday, January 4, 2008

Lutheran Wedding Program

Refill Daniela

Executed Refill and stretch with road map on the left hand



Lutheran Wedding Program

Refill Daniela

Executed Refill and stretch with road map on the left hand



Thursday, January 3, 2008

Is There Ever One Player At A Roulette Table

Architettura Dell'Unghia

Is There Ever One Player At A Roulette Table

Architettura Dell'Unghia

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Fishfinder For Hudson River

Nail Art

Applications Ice and Mylor Swarovski French half on